Monthly Archives: June 2012


Form of the passive : be + past participle
In the passive, the object of an active verb becomes the subject of the passive verb : “the boy” in (a) becomes the subject of the passive verv\b in (b). (a) and (b) have the same meaning.
ACTIVE        : Annie helped the boy
                        S          V          O
PASSIVE    : The boy was helped by Annie
                         S                 V          
Only transitive verbs (verbs that are followed by an object) are used in the passive. It is not possible to use verbs such as happen, sleep, come, and seem (intransitive verbs) in the passive.
Example :
1.    Simple Present        
Ø    Active           : Waitresses and waiters serve customers
Ø    Passive        : Customers are served by waitresses and waiters

2.    Present Progressive
Ø    Active        : Alex is preparing that report
Ø    Passive        : That report is being prepared by Alex

3.    Present Perfect    
Ø    Active          : Shirley has suggested a new idea
Ø    Passive        : A new idea has been suggested by Shirley

4.    Simple Past
Ø    Active          : Shakespeare wrote that play
Ø    Passive        : That play was written by Shakespeare

5.    Past Progressive
Ø    Active          : Two horses were pulling the farmer’s wagon
Ø    Passive        : The farmer’s wagon was being pulled by Two horses

6.    Past Perfect
Ø    Active           : Kathy had returned the book to the library
Ø    Passive        : The book had been returned by Kathy to the library

7.    Simple Future
Ø    Active          : Bill will invite Ann to the party
Ø    Passive        : Ann will be invited by Bill to the party

8.    Be Going To
Ø    Active          : The teacher is going to explain the lesson
Ø    Passive        : The lesson is going to be explained by the teacher

9.    Future Perfect
Ø    Active       : By this time tomorrow, the president will have made the announcement
Ø    Passive     : By this time tomorrow, The announcement will have been made by the president

10.    Simple Present        
Ø    Active          : Jhony opens the door
Ø    Passive        : The door is opened by Jhony

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DIRECT SENTENCE is a sentence that accurately imitate speech or speech of others, either verbally or in writing. Form of a direct sentence to a sentence of news, interrogative sentence, phrase command, or exclamation sentence.

INDIRECT SENTENCE is a sentence that report / notify the words or speech of others. Indirect form of sentence only in the form of news sentences.


A. Sentences directly quoted (“…”) while the sentence was not directly quoted.
2. In the sentence immediately, intonation passage quoted is higher than those without, whereas the indirect sentences, tone flat and declining.
3. In the direct sentence, the pronoun in the sentence quoted does not change, whereas the indirect sentence pronoun in the sentence quoted subject to change.
4. The arrangement remained straight line, while the sentence does not say the task is not to say immediate tasks, such as that, because, for, in order, etc..
5. Sentence news directly form the sentence, interrogative sentence, the sentence order, and the sentence immediately cried while the sentence is not just a story line.


Sentences Direct – Indirect Sentence
you me, I
you me, I
I, I am he, he
Its me
us they


Sentences Sentences Direct Indirect
anyone about the name / offender
what is (whether) about things / objects
When, when the time
where, to where the place
why because
How, to what amount, the order
where the choice
how to
not to not
The one for / so / so
(The news line) that


A. Direct sentences written in inverted commas (“…”).
2. Letter on the direct passage written using capital letters.
3. Closing quotation marks following the punctuation mark to end the direct passage.
4. Accompaniment section and the direct passage separated by punctuation comma (,).
5. If in the passage of the direct use of the word of greeting, the greeting was given before the word punctuation comma (,) and the first letter of greeting word to use capital letters.
6. Directly in the form of dialogue sentences consecutive, mandatory use of punctuation colon (:) in front of the sentence immediately.

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GERUND dan Contoh Penggunaannya

Sebagian dari kita mungkin agak jarang mendengar kata ini, namun bagi sebagian lagi mungkin sudah familiar. Tapi sebenarnya, terlepas dari tahu atau tidak, saya yakin kita pasti sering menggunakannya ketika sedang belajar atau latihan berbahasa inggris, seperti conversation maupun writting.

What is GERUND?

A Gerund is the form of a verb when it acts as a noun; a gerund (often known as an -ing word) is a noun formed from a verb by adding -ing. Itu adalah definisi gerund yang saya temukan pada situs englishlanguageguide.
So, gerund adalah kata kerja yang berfungsi sebagai kata benda dan karenanya dapat berfungsi sebagai subjek, objek dan pelengkap (complement) dalam kalimat, juga di belakang sebuah preposisi (membingungkan ya, hehe…. nyerah). Bentuk gerund biasanya disebut verb+ing. Mungkin istilah itulah yang biasa kita kenal selama ini mengenai gerund. Singkatnya, GERUND adalah kata benda yang dibentuk dari kata kerja (verb) + ing.
Examples :
Swimming is a good sport (as subject)
I like swimming (as object)
My hobby is swimming (as complement)
Nah, dari beberapa contoh di atas, kita bisa melihat contoh penggunaan gerund yang bisa bertindak sebagai subjek, objek, dan pelengkap. Dan bentuknya adalah noun atau kata benda.

How or when we use GERUND?

Beberapa kata, seperti adjektives (kata sifat), prepositions (kata depan) dan verbs (kata kerja) harus diikuti oleh bentuk -ING (gerund).
Penggunaan Gerund setelah adjectives (with preposition)
Adjektives + preposisi berikut harus diikuti dengan bentuk -ING :
afraid of, angry about / at, bad at, busy, clever at, interested in, proud of, crazy about, disappointed about, excited about, famous for, fond of, sorry about, worried about.

  • He’s afraid of going by plane.
  • I am interested in visiting the museum.
  • He is clever at skateboarding.
  • The girl is crazy about playing tennis.
  • I’m worried about making mistakes.

Penggunaan Gerund setelah preposisi
Preposisi-preposisi yang diikuti dengan gerund :
about, of, from, about, after, apart from, before, by, in, instead of, on, without, because of.

  • Before going to bed he turned off the lights.
  • She avoided him by walking on the opposite side of the road.
  • We arrived in Madrid after driving all night.
  • He told the joke without laughing.

Penggunaan Gerund setelah verbs (kata kerja)
verbs berikut harus diikuti dengan gerund:
admit, advise, allow, appreciate, avoid, suggest, understand, miss, reject, consider, delay, deny, dislike, enjoy, resist, imagine, permit, practise.

  • I enjoy cooking.
  • He admitted having driven too fast.
  • Ralph is considering buying a new house.
  • I delayed telling Max the news.
  • They miss playing with their friends.

Selain itu, gerund juga harus mengikuti beberapa kata berikut:
prefer, admit, delay, avoid, mind, like, enjoy, continue, fond, busy, etc.

  • I prefer singing to dancing
  • She was busy writing a letter
  • Donny is fond dancing
  • We are looking forward to going back to school


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In Indonesian, both subjective and objective pronouns are the same. Possessive pronouns are slightly different in informal situations only. Below is the table:

English Formal Informal Informal Possesive
I Saya Aku -ku
You Anda Kamu -mu
He/She/It Beliau Dia -nya
We (inclusive) Kita Kita Kita
We (exclusive) Kami Kami Kami
You (Plural) Kalian Kalian Kalian
They Mereka Mereka Mereka

Note that there are two notions of “we” in Indonesian. If the opposite party is included, then we use “kita”. Otherwise, we use “kami”.
Contoh (Example):

  • Budi: “Wati, ini buku kita.” (= Wati, this is our book.)

Here, Budi speaks to Wati that this book is both Budi’s and Wati’s book. However, if Budi said, “Wati, ini buku kami.”; it means that this book is Budi’s (and probably his other friend’s), but not Wati’s.
To refer a third person that has already died, He/She/It, when person we are speaking about already passed away and we want to refer to those people with respect, we use another word almarhum meaning “he” when the he is already died and “he” happens to be a respectable person. For female we use the word almarhumah. This is a rare instance when Bahasa Indonesia is gender specific. This is a loan word from Arabic which literally means: “who was blessed by God.” In this sense, this is actually a euphemism.

Kata Kepunyaan (Possessive Pronoun)

As you probably have noted in the previous example, the position of possessive pronoun is reversed in Indonesian.
Contoh (Example):

  • Buku kami. (= our book(s))
  • Apel mereka. (= their apple(s))
  • Jerukku. (= my orange(s))
  • Gelasnya. (= his/her/its glass(es))
  • Bolpenmu. (= your pen(s))
  • Coklat saya. (= my chocolate(s))
  • Mobil beliau. (= his/her/its car)

In these examples, notice that when using informal possessive of singular person, the suffix is put together with the noun.
Although in spoken Indonesian it is acceptable to say “gelas dia” instead of “gelasnya” and “bolpen kamu” instead of “bolpenmu”, it is incorrect to say “jeruk aku” to mean “my orange”.

Kata Kepunyaan #2 (Possessive Pronoun Part 2)

In most languages there is the possibility of both adjective-like posessives “this is my book” and noun like adjectives “this book is mine” or “this is mine.” Indonesian doesn’t do this exactly like this but does have an equivalent:

  1. Buku ini punyaku. (This book is mine)
  2. Buku ini punyamu. (This book is yours)
  3. Buku ini punyanya. (This book is his/hers/its)
  4. Buku ini punya saya. (This book is mine)
  5. Buku ini punya kami. (This book is ours) (exclusive)
  6. Buku ini punya kita. (This book is ours) (inclusive)
  7. Buku ini punya mereka. (This book is theirs)
  8. Buku ini punya Budi. (This book is Budi’s)
  9. Ini punyaku. (This is mine)

Notice that this kind of structure is “bridged” by the word “punya”, which means “to have”. You can then put the appropriate suffix or word to indicate the ownership.
A synonym of “punya” is “milik”. Hence you can change “punya” with “milik”.

  1. Buku ini milikku
  2. Buku ini milikmu
  3. Buku ini miliknya

Contoh (Examples)

Below are some examples that summarise what we’ve learnt:

  1. Saya punya buku kuning. (= I have a yellow book)
  2. Buku saya kuning. (= My book is yellow).
  3. Kamu punya bolpen biru, bukan bolpen hitam. (= You have a blue pen, not a black pen)
  4. Dia tidak punya pensil hijau. (= He/she/it doesn’t have a green pencil)
  5. Budi punya apel merah. (= Budi has a red apple/red apples)
  6. Apel merah ini punya Budi. (= This red apple is Budi’s)

Note that at the third example we use “bukan” to deny the noun (i.e. the pen). At the fourth example, we use “tidak” to deny the ownership, which is considered as a verb (i.e. “doesn’t have”). Note also how we can put names in ownership at example five and six with the word “punya”.


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Bahasa Inggris memiliki dua bentuk kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu pikiran. Kedua bentuk kalimat tersebut adalah kalimat aktif dan kalimat pasif. Dalam kalimat aktif subject melakukan pekerjaan, atau melakukan suatu perbuatan. Dengan ciri khas bahwa kata kerja yang digunakan berawalan “me-“. Sedangkan di dalam kalimat pasif , subject dalam kalimat tersebut tidak melakukan pekerjaan/perbuatan, melainkan dikenai pekerjaan/perbuatan. Dengan ciri khas bahwa kata kerja yang digunakan dalam kalimat tersebut berawalan “di-“.
Kata kerja yang digunakan dalam kalimat pasif bahasa Inggris adalah:

be + Verb 3 (Past Participle)
“Be” itu sendiri dibuat sesuai dengan tense yang digunakan dalam kalimat itu dan disuikan dengan subject kalimat tersebut.

Kalimat aktif diubah menjadi kalimat pasif dengan menjadikan “object” kalimat aktif itu sebagai “Subject” kalimat pasif tersebut. Berdasarkan hal itu jelaslah bahwa hanya kalimat yang memiliki “object” yang dapat diubah menjadi pasif.

Yanto slapped the boy on his face.
Kalimat tersebut dapat diubah menjadi:
The boy was slapped on his face.

Object pelaku kalimat pasif yang dalam bahasa inggris dinyatakan dengan kata “by …” jarang diucapkan, karena kalimat pasif cenderung untuk hanya mengemukakan aktifitas . object pelaku diucapkan/ditilis hanya bila memang diperlukan, sebagai kelengkapan arti kalimat pasif bersangkutan.

Contoh :
The queen invited us to dinner.
Kalimat ini akan menjadi:
We were invited to dinner by the queen.

Bila pada sebuah kalimat aktif terdapat dua object , maka subject kalimat pasifnya dapat dipilih dari kedua object tersebut. Namun biasanya dalam bahasa inggris object manusia yang digunakan/dipilih sebagai subject kalimat pasif.

Aktif : I shall give her a new pen.
Pasif : 1. She will be given a new pen.
2. A new pen will be give


1. Simple Present Tense

S + V1 + O

Pasif S + is/am/are + V3 + ….
Contoh :

A : He writes the letter carefully.

P : The letter is written carefully.

A : He writes the letters carefully.

P : The letters are written carefully.

2. Simple Past Tense


S + V2 + O

Pasif S + was/were + V3 + ….
Contoh :

A : He wrote the letter carefully.

P : The letter was written carefully.

A : He wrote the letters carefully.

P : The letters were written carefully.

3. Present Continuous Tense


S + is/am/are + V-ing + O

Pasif S + is/am/are + being + V3 + …
Contoh :

A : He is writing the letter carefully.

P : The letter is being written carefully.

A : He is writing the letters carefully.

P : The letters are being written carefully.

4. Past Continuous Tense


S + was/were + V-ing + O

Pasif S + was/were + being + V3 + …
Contoh :

A : He was writing the letter carefully.

P : The letter was being written carefully.

A: He was writing the letter carefully

P: The letter Were being written carefully

5. Present Perfect Tense


S + has/have + V3 + O

Pasif S + has/have + been + V3 + …
Contoh :

A : He has written the letter carefully.

P : The letter has been written carefully.

A : He has written the letters carefully.

P : The letters have been written carefully.

6. Past Perfect Tense


S + had + V3 + O

Pasif S + had + been + V3 + …
Contoh :

A : He had written the letter carefully.

P : The letter had been written carefully.

A : He had written the letters carefully.

P : The letters had been written carefully.

7. Present Perfect Continuous Tense


S + has/have + been + V-ing + O

Pasif S + has/have + been + being + V3 + …
Contoh :

A : He has been writing the letter carefully.

P : The letter has been being written carefully.

A : He has been writing the letters carefully.

P : The letters have been being written carefully.

8. Past Perfect Continuous Tense


S + had + been + V-ing + O

Pasif S + had + been + being + V3 + …
Contoh :

A : He had been writing the letter carefully.

P : The letter had been being written carefully.

A : He had been writing the letters carefully.

P : The letters had been being written carefully.

9. Simple Future Tense


S + will/shall +V1 + O

Pasif S + will/shall + be + V3 + …
Contoh :

A : I will write the letter carefully.

P : The letter will be written carefully.

A : I will write the letters carefully.

P : The letters will be written carefully.

10. Past Future Tense


S + would/should +V1 + O

Pasif S + would/should + be + V3 + …
Contoh :

A : I would write the letter carefully.

P : The letter would be written carefully.

A : I would write the letters carefully.

P : The letters would be written carefully.

11. Future Perfect Tense


S + will/shall + have + V3 + O

Pasif S + will/shall + have + been + V3 + …
Contoh :

A : We will have write the letter carefully.

P : The letter will have been written carefully.

A : We will have write the letters carefully.

P : The letters will been written carefully.

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